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A helping hand for energy bills and beyond


Many vulnerable people across Ontario struggle to pay their energy bills each month. We know that when people can’t afford their energy bills, they usually have difficulty making ends meet for other basic needs like rent and food, too. 

That’s why United Way East Ontario has partnered locally with organizations like Hydro Ottawa, The Good Companions Seniors’ Centre, and the Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode Community Resource Centre (NROCRC) to provide support and information about energy conservation and financial assistance programs that alleviate pressures for the people in our community that need it most. 

To bring these benefits to as many people as possible experiencing energy poverty, we’ve partnered with other United Ways, local electric utilities and frontline agencies across Ontario.

The AffordAbility Fund (AFT) is a provincial energy program that provides households with the opportunity to apply for free energy upgrades that can lower overall home energy use and electricity bills.

Eligible customers may also qualify to receive new energy-saving appliances or the installation of energy retrofits like upgraded heat pumps, new insulation or weather-stripping.

Why United Way?

For a community to be great, it has to be great for everyone. United Way is uniquely positioned to use our community connections to help people access other services that can improve their overall health and well-being, above and beyond financial stability. 

Energy poverty is just one issue that prevents people from reaching their full potential. It’s important to understand how this is linked to other challenges that can lead to more serious situations down the road. The AffordAbility Fund is one gateway that helps us learn more about how we can better support individuals and families in need in our communities.

Outreach coordinators at The Good Companions and NROCRC work directly with individuals to determine their eligibility for the AffordAbility Fund, while also assessing the needs in other areas of their lives.


Thank you for your interest in the Affordability Fund. The program is now closed. If you were a participant and have questions, please contact your local electricity company.
For more information about the AffordAbility Fund, please visit

This holiday season, let’s tackle our toughest social issues together.

Poverty. Homelessness. Mental health. Social isolation. These challenges can feel overwhelming, but you can move the needle on all of them at once with a donation to United Way.

Donate by December 31st, receive a tax credit and your gift will be matched by TD.* 




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