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Community Investments 2024-25

United Way East Ontario invests our available resources in smart, strategic ways to move the needle for the most vulnerable people in our communities. Our expert volunteers evaluate and make recommendations to fund programs, collaborations and initiatives that create measurable, lasting change.
Below are our investments for July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025, divided into the three focus areas of our activities that fulfill our mission, vision and promise. These investments are determined by our annual Call for Proposals process, unless otherwise indicated.
Every kid should have the basic building blocks to stay on track to succeed—in school, and in life.
A  job, a purpose, a sense of belonging—we can ensure more people in our communities achieve financial independence and stability.
Ensuring our communities are great for everyone by improving equity, connections and overall well-being.
  1. I want to…

    help people in crisis.

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  2. I want to…

    support newcomers.

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  3. I want to...

    celebrate diversity.

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  4. I want to…

    fuel inclusion.

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  5. I want to…

    end hate and violence.

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  6. I want to…

    make sure every kid graduates.

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  7. I want to…

    end youth homelessness.

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  8. I want to…

    show my local love.

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  9. I want to…

    help seniors thrive.

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