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You can help youth build a brighter future.

With your support, we can provide young people like Sylvanna with safe spaces to play, learn, and grow in all aspects of their lives.

An illustration of someone cooking a fancy meal in the kitchen. There's a bit pot on the stove with lots of ingredients ready to go.
An illustration of someone cooking a fancy meal in the kitchen. There's a bit pot on the stove with lots of ingredients ready to go.

You can help youth build a brighter future.

With your support, we can provide young people like Sylvanna with safe spaces to play, learn, and grow in all aspects of their lives.

A photo of Sylvanna sitting in a park looking at the camera. Lots of green trees in the background.

Neither of my parents went to university—as of right now, I am the first person in my family to attend.

Programs powered by United Way helped Sylvanna come out of her shell and paved the way for her to attend university.    

Now, she feels confident that she has the tools she needs to thrive in school, and in life. 

When you donate to United Way East Ontario, your gift will: 
  • Provide kids with accessible after-school programs, homework clubs, and summer camps.  
  • Ensure parents and their kids get mental health and problematic substance use counselling.  
  • Strengthen education, mental health, and employment supports for youth facing homelessness.  
  • Increase access to technology to reduce barriers to learning for low-income and rural youth.     

Every kid deserves
the chance to succeed.

You can create opportunities for local youth today. 

Choose your gift amount:

Our minimum online donation amount is $5.00.

Working together to support long-term solutions

United Way East Ontario knows what the most immediate needs are, and each day, we work with our partners and supporters to have the greatest impact. Your donation stays 100% local in Prescott-Russell, Ottawa, Lanark County, and Renfrew County. 

Your donation is in good hands.

We invest your gift in smart, strategic ways, to ultimately move the needle. 
An icon of a heart

100% Local Impact

Every donation is put to work in the community where it is raised. 

An icon of a checkmark.

Top 100 Canadian Charity

Charity Intelligence, MoneySense & Maclean’s named us a top-100 Canadian charity. 

hand holding a heart

Issues You Care About

Poverty. Isolation. Homelessness. Together, we can tackle the issues that seem impossible to solve. 

© 2023 United Way East Ontario. All rights reserved.
BN/Registration Number: 108160250RR0001