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Community Action Grants in Ottawa

The Community Action Grant (CAG) supports neighbourhood associations that identify initiatives seeking to engage residents and addressing community priority issues. Community Action Grants are intended to support local residents to undertake initiatives that will increase social interaction, reduce isolation and engagement in projects that will benefit their community.

We encourage residents to work together with service providers and identify activities which are not covered under the traditional funding opportunities to get better results by combining their efforts, skills, resources and objectives.

Who Can Apply?

Applications are accepted from neighborhood-based organizations through their respective Community Health and Resource Centres, or the Social Planning Council of Ottawa. A neighborhood-based organization is one:

  • With a majority of its members residing or doing business in a commonly recognized neighbourhood or rural communities;
  • Whose purpose, at least in part, is to improve the quality of life in that area;
  • That may include residents and representatives from faith-based organizations, schools, businesses, and other institutions operating in that neighbourhood/rural community.

Any Community Organization or Residents’ Association that is working with service providers to improve their neighbourhood is eligible for a grant. The grant application must be submitted by the local Community Health or Resource Centre or Social Planning Council on behalf of community organization or resident’s association.

When are Applications Accepted?

Applications are accepted throughout the year for various small, neighbourhood improvement grants. Community associations/organizations can submit an application as community action opportunities present themselves.

For more information on the current granting opportunities and activities eligible for funding please visit the following: